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Manduka Classic Yoga Mat
Discreet rebound, unrivaled comfort and cushioning provide safety and stability while practicing.
Manduka PRO series yoga mats are designed for a lifetime of use, reducing overall PVC mat usage.
Under the most stringent standards in Germany, the production process is carried out with no toxic substances and no emissions.
Zero waste, sustainable yoga mat that resists wear and tear and lasts a long time.
Through the strict international environmental protection textile certification authority (Oeko-Tex) - Swiss Textile Certification.
100% latex-free, safe for those with latex allergies.
Manduka PRO series yoga mats are designed for a lifetime of use, reducing overall PVC mat usage.
Under the most stringent standards in Germany, the production process is carried out with no toxic substances and no emissions.
Zero waste, sustainable yoga mat that resists wear and tear and lasts a long time.
Through the strict international environmental protection textile certification authority (Oeko-Tex) - Swiss Textile Certification.
100% latex-free, safe for those with latex allergies.
agoy® 瑜伽療癒抱枕
膝蓋墊 給你的膝蓋最好的保護及緩衝
膝蓋墊 給你的膝蓋最好的保護及緩衝
Dyson® 二合一甲醛偵測空氣清淨機
測及持續消滅甲醛 濾除H1N1、H3N2、EV71病毒90及99.95%超細微粒 過濾高達 99.9% 人類冠狀病毒229E 及 OC43氣溶膠
goy® 瑜伽磚
agoy® 寬版止滑 瑜珈繩
小花形 膝蓋墊
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